In January 2023, five musicians leading distinctly different lives serendipitously attended the same Dallas Symphony Orchestra concert. Fate, along with a little help from mutual friends, led them to a taco joint after the show. Fueled by salsa and margaritas, the concept of Ordell Winds was born.

Reminiscent of TheBreakfast Club, Ordell Winds consists of corporate extrovert Annabelle Kim on flute, frequent flyer Erin Mathewson on oboe, trivia buff Josh Partridge on clarinet, true crime expert Catherine Janson on horn, and stylophile Robbie Harter on bassoon. By blending their unique personalities and shared desire for artistic autonomy, Ordell Winds epitomizes the essence of a 21st-century ensemble.

Driven by the commitment to close the gap between performer and audience, Ordell Winds stands as a testament to friendship and musical excellence. They offer audiences an unfiltered glimpse into the chamber music world, dismantling traditional barriers often associated with classical music – dullness, distance, and complexity. By challenging expectations and fostering authenticity, Ordell Winds ensures everyone has access to live music, regardless of their concert hall experience. The quintet is dedicated to uplifting works by marginalized composers, educating the next generation, and fostering connections in their communities. Memorable performances include a collaboration with Imani Winds at Lincoln Center's Summer for the City 2023 series and a concert engagement at Grayson College.

Special thanks to Jose Negrete Photography